Consider a situation in which a developer has user accounts for each tenant of a multitenant application. These accounts get deactivated after a period of non-use, so they need to get reactivated in order for the developer to troubleshoot problems that manifest only for a specific tenant. The developer usually just runs a script that resets the account to active; it’s about as simple as a maintenance task could be for a dev. Still, wouldn’t it be nice to have an easy way to track down the script and execute it? And wouldn’t it be nice to make sure all the developers used a standard method of performing this reset to prevent possible anomalies? We can make a little Visual Studio tool window with a button to execute this script. The tool window can be easily located in the Visual Studio menus.
First, create a Visual Studio Integration Package project
This will bring up a wizard, which is pretty self-explanatory. In this example, we’re creating just a tool window:
From there, it’s just a matter of creating a user control to do our bidding. The control is automatically included in the integration package project and named ‘MyControl’ by default. Integration and interoperability with VS is achieved through a Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package class (named ‘{PackageName}Package’ by default) and a wrapper class (‘MyToolWindow’ by default) which inherits from Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.ToolWindow and exposes the control to the IDE through the Window property.
I’ll spare the boring details on the implementation of this example control. The code can be found here.
Part of what makes developing the tool window so easy is the debugging experience – running the project launches an experimental hive with our custom tool window installed! Just go to View > Other Windows and select the User Reactivation tool:
This example featured a hardcoded backend with no configuration options. In the future, I’ll explore how to outfit your extensibility projects with configuration.