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Migrating Hg Repos with hg-fast-export and Windows Subsystem for Linux


I prefer Mercurial (hg) to git. I don’t really have any reason for this preference - they both do the same thing, and the user experience for 90% of the use cases is the same. It probably comes from the conditions of the DVCS landscape when I started using these systems. Some of this may have been perception only, but it looked like this:

  • GitHub didn’t have free private repos
  • BitBucket did have free private repos
  • BitBucket was very hg-friendly
  • Joel Spolsky had an amazing tutorial that served as both a how-to for hg as well as a general intro to DVCS
  • hg was much more Windows-friendly than git
  • Since hg was written in python, I felt like extending it would be easier than doing so for git if I ever needed to (admittedly, this is a pretty ridiculous reason)
  • hg felt like a more unified, “coherent” system than the very linux-y feeling git and its extensions (also pretty ridiculous)
  • Where they differed, I liked the verbs hg used better than git’s counterparts

Nowadays, most of these are moot:

  • Git has private repos
  • Git for Windows is a thing, and I also love SourceTree
  • Pretty much everybody else in the world uses git

Anyway, I still generally prefer using hg and hosting with BitBucket, so I have many (private) hg repos out there. Unfortunately, BitBucket is sunsetting support for Mercurial, so I have a lot of migrating to do.

Migration Tools

There are basically two ways to migrate a Mercurial repo to git:

  • Use the hg-git Mercurial plugin to push an existing hg repo to a git repo
  • Execute hg-fast-export against a local repo to export to create a git version of the repo in another local directory

I’ve used hg-git before; in general it works pretty well. But I’d need to install and configure it, or install TortoiseHg, and that didn’t sound appealing. On the other hand, hg-fast-export is a bash script, which requires a bash. The readme says On windows the bash that comes with "Git for Windows" is known to work well. Well, I don’t use Git for Windows, so that didn’t sound very appealing either.

I thought, “maybe I should boot into Ubuntu and do all of this.” Wait… why not give Windows Subsystem for Linux a try?

Using WSL and hg-fast-export

Once I installed Windows Subsystem for Linux (note you have to run a PowerShell command to enable installation) with Ubuntu 18.04, I performed the following steps to prepare my system:

  • Update all packages (sudo apt update)
  • Upgrade all packages (sudo apt upgrade)
  • Install Python 2.7 (sudo apt install python)
  • Install pip (sudo apt install python-pip)
  • Install Mercurial (sudo pip install mercurial)
  • Clone the hg-fast-export repo (sudo git clone

It’s important to note that I performed the last step after changing to the directory I wanted to clone to. WSL mounts your Windows drives and gives you access via /mnt, so your entire C: drive is accessible under /mnt/c, for example. My repos were in C:\repos and I wanted to put the fast-export tool alongside them, so I did this:

cd /mnt/c/repos
mkdir hg-fast-export
cd hg-fast-export
sudo git clone

With the tools I needed all set up, I converted a project in an hg repo named my-project like this:

mkdir /mnt/c/repos/my-project-git
cd /mnt/c/repos/my-project-git
sudo git init
sudo ./../hg-fast-export/fast-export/ -r ./../my-project

The result was some output like this:

master: Exporting full revision 1/75 with 35/0/0 added/changed/removed files
master: Exporting simple delta revision 2/75 with 0/4/2 added/changed/removed files
Skip .hgtags
master: Exporting simple delta revision 5/75 with 1/0/0 added/changed/removed files
develop: Exporting simple delta revision 6/75 with 0/0/0 added/changed/removed files
feature/authentication: Exporting simple delta revision 75/75 with 26/3/8 added/changed/removed files
Exporting tag [initial-setup] at [hg r2] [git :3]
Exporting tag [appharbor-build-and-deployment-working] at [hg r19] [git :20]
Issued 77 commands
/usr/lib/git-core/git-fast-import statistics:
Alloc'd objects:       5000
Total objects:          689 (       162 duplicates                  )
      blobs  :          331 (       105 duplicates        227 deltas of        331 attempts)
      trees  :          283 (        57 duplicates        191 deltas of        282 attempts)
      commits:           75 (         0 duplicates          0 deltas of          0 attempts)
      tags   :            0 (         0 duplicates          0 deltas of          0 attempts)
Total branches:          10 (         8 loads     )
      marks:           1024 (        75 unique    )
      atoms:            202
Memory total:          2344 KiB
       pools:          2110 KiB
     objects:           234 KiB
pack_report: getpagesize()            =       4096
pack_report: core.packedGitWindowSize = 1073741824
pack_report: core.packedGitLimit      = 35184372088832
pack_report: pack_used_ctr            =         94
pack_report: pack_mmap_calls          =         45
pack_report: pack_open_windows        =          1 /          1
pack_report: pack_mapped              =     732185 /     732185

I followed this up with git checkout HEAD. I examined the resulting git repo in SourceTree, and I have to say it looks like a good copy. I didn’t use any technical measure to verify the conversion. I could see that the default branch from the hg repo was renamed master in the git repo in accordance with convention. hg-fast-export allows you to customize the export process with plugins as well. More details are available on the github readme.

Overall, I found that the Windows Subsystem for Linux was an excellent way to use linux terminal tools to apply changes on a Windows system!


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