First, I neglected to mention in my previous post that I found Paul Cowan's blog to be a tremendous help in figuring out how build a DSL with Boo and Rhino DSL.
Second, I wanted to point out that, because this is an internal DSL written in Boo, it's still possible to use familiar programming constructs in the DSL scripts. For example, I could dynamically generate the team definitions from some other datasource, like so:
stats = GetData() for row as DataRow in stats.Rows: define row["name"]: defense Determine.DefenseFromRanking(cast(int,row["defenseRanking"])) pass_offense Determine.PassOffenseFromRanking(cast(int,row["passOffenseRanking"])), with_qb_type(Determine.QbTypeFromRatingAndExperience(cast(double,row["qbRating"]), cast(int,row["qbExperience"]))) run_offense Determine.RunOffenseFromRanking(cast(int,row["runOffenseRanking"]))
where GetData() returns a DataTable with multiple team statistics, and Determine is a static class that gets the name of different team components based on relevant stats.
The meta methods that define the keywords won't work as is for this. Remember, they're operating on the AST. In this case, the parameter types simply need to be relaxed from StringLiteralExpression to Expression. Here's the new run_offense meta method as an example:
[Meta] public static def run_offense(expression as Expression): return [| _currentTeam.RunOffense = $expression |]
So, string literals and method calls both work here. One thing that slightly limits the extensibility of the language in this matter is the use of the implicit base class as a container for the script. The body of the script (minus any import statements) goes directly into the implementation of an abstract method declared on the base class, so extending the language by adding methods directly to the script is out. Other than that, everything should work like normal. All the constructs of the language are available. Of course, doing something like what's listed above sort of defeats the purpose of creating a language for easy data scripting in the first place, as it isn't very readable or maintainable...